Born on May 9th, 1974



May 9th, 1974 was a Thursday.



People born on May 9th, 1974 turned 50 this year (2024).


Taurus (The Bull)

April 21st, 1974 - May 21st, 1974

Age in days, weeks and months
Wow, over 18,000 days old!

Why not celebrate an alternative birthday? In 610 days, exactly on May 16th, 2026, people who were born on May 9th, 1974 will be 19,000 days old!

18,390 Days

2,627 Weeks

604 Months

... in seconds, minutes and hours


Born on May 9th, 1974: When to retire?

Birth 20 67 80
Childhood & Education 20 Years Work 47 Years Retirement 13 Years

17 more years of work

You have already worked for 30 years so far and have still 17 years of hard work to come until you can retire in 2041 at the age of 67.

Assumptions & Individualization

In order to generate the diagram there were assumptions made based on statistical averages. Please individualize the data (the information) according to your personal situation.

Age at start of work
Retirement age
Life expectancy

What happened on May 9th, 1974?

Watergate scandal

Watergate scandal: The United States House Committee on the Judiciary opens formal and public impeachment hearings against President Richard Nixon.

What else happened on May 9th?

... of famous people, actors, celebrities and stars on May 9th

Born on May 9th, 1974

Same Day
Who's birthday is on May 9th?

Same year
Born in 1974

Birthdays of famous people

Lloyd Russell-Moyle: Age & BirthdayJustine Frischmann: Age & BirthdayMel Tormé: Age & BirthdayThomas Müller: Age & BirthdaySargis Martirosjan: Age & BirthdayJeff Lowe: Age & BirthdayAnniken Hauglie: Age & BirthdayAgatha Christie: Age & BirthdayAnna Netrebko: Age & BirthdayPeter Vack: Age & Birthday

Public holidays on May 9th

Fixed holidays (Christian feast day, Commemoration of the end of the German occupation of the Channel Islands related observances, Victory Day observances, celebration of the Soviet Union victory over Nazi Germany) which are celebrated on May 9th.

Beatus of Lungern
Christian feast
Beatus of Vendome
Christian feasté
Christopher (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Christian feast
George Preca
Christian feast
Gerontius of Cervia
Christian feast
Gregory of Nazianzen (The Episcopal Church (US) and traditional Roman Catholic calendar)
Christian feast
Nicolaus Zinzendorf (Lutheran)
Christian feast
Pachomius the Great
Christian feast
Tudy of Landevennec
Christian feast
May 9 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
Christian feast
Liberation Day, commemorating the end of the German occupation of the Channel Islands during World War II. (Guernsey and Jersey)
Commemoration of the end of the German occupation of the Channel Islands related
National Day (Alderney)
Commemoration of the end of the German occupation of the Channel Islands related
Europe Day, commemorating the Schuman Declaration. (European Union, Kosovo, Moldova, Ukraine)
Victory and Peace Day, marks the capture of Shusha (1992) in the First Nagorno-Karabakh War, and the end of World War II. (Armenia)
Victory Day observances, celebration of the Soviet Union victory over Nazi Germany (Soviet Union, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan)

Date as a Roman numeral / digit




M = 1000CM = 900L = 50X = 10IX = 9V = 5IV = 4

Born on May 9th, 1974
Future birthdays

Leap year

No: With 365 days 1974 is a normal year and no leap year.

May 1974

May 1974

w# Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
18 12345
19 6789101112
20 13141516171819
21 20212223242526
22 2728293031