Andrea Dakó (52)
August 12th, 1972

Badminton player – Andrea Dakó was born in Budapest (Capital and largest city of Hungary) on August 12th, 1972 and is 52 years old today.


How old is Andrea Dakó?


Andrea Dakó is 52 years old.

Biographical data

Birthday August 12th, 1972 (Saturday)
Place of Birth Budapest
Capital and largest city of Hungary
Birth sign (Zodiac) Leo (The Lion) ♌
Chinese Zodiac Rat 鼠

Other personalities born on August 12

Also born in 1972

Andrea Dakó


When was Andrea Dakó born?

Andrea Dakó was born on August 12th, 1972.

Place of Birth

Where was Andrea Dakó born?

Budapest (Capital and largest city of Hungary).


What is the zodiac sign of Andrea Dakó?

Andrea Dakó was born in the zodiac sign Leo (The Lion).

Chinese Zodiac

Which Chinese zodiac sign does Andrea Dakó have?

Andrea Dakó was born in 1972 in the year of the Chinese zodiac Rat.

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