Graziano Pellè (39)
July 15th, 1985

Azerbaijan-Italy, 10 October 2015 - Graziano Pellè
Azerbaijan-Italy, 10 October 2015 - Graziano Pellè Azerbaijan-Italy, 10 September 2015, Graziano Pellè. Foto: Photo by Sefer azeri Cropped by Danyele / CC BY-SA 4.0
Graziano Pellè portret
Graziano Pellè portret nl:Graziano Pellè Foto: Jan Roelfsema / CC BY 3.0
Graziano Pellè
Graziano Pellè Foto: Robert Hertel / CC BY 2.0

Italian footballer – Graziano Pellè was born in San Cesario di Lecce (Italian comune) on July 15th, 1985 and is 39 years old today.


How old is Graziano Pellè?


Graziano Pellè is 39 years old.

Biographical data

Birthday July 15th, 1985 (Monday)
Place of Birth San Cesario di Lecce
Italian comune
Birth sign (Zodiac) Cancer (The Crab) ♋
Chinese Zodiac Ox 牛

Other personalities born on July 15

Also born in 1985

Graziano Pellè


When was Graziano Pellè born?

Graziano Pellè was born on July 15th, 1985.

Place of Birth

Where was Graziano Pellè born?

San Cesario di Lecce (Italian comune).


What is the zodiac sign of Graziano Pellè?

Graziano Pellè was born in the zodiac sign Cancer (The Crab).

Chinese Zodiac

Which Chinese zodiac sign does Graziano Pellè have?

Graziano Pellè was born in 1985 in the year of the Chinese zodiac Ox.

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