Johanna Goliszewski (38)
May 9th, 1986

Yonex IFB 2013 - Eightfinal - Johanna Goliszewski - Birgit Michels — Christinna Pedersen - Kamilla Rytter Juhl 04
Yonex IFB 2013 - Eightfinal - Johanna Goliszewski - Birgit Michels — Christinna Pedersen - Kamilla Rytter Juhl 04 2013 French open. Women's doubles eightfinal. Johanna Goliszewski and Birgit Michels vs Christinna Pedersen and Kamilla Rytter Juhl. Foto: Pierre-Yves Beaudouin / CC BY-SA 4.0
Yonex IFB 2013 - Eightfinal - Johanna Goliszewski - Birgit Michels — Christinna Pedersen - Kamilla Rytter Juhl 07
Yonex IFB 2013 - Eightfinal - Johanna Goliszewski - Birgit Michels — Christinna Pedersen - Kamilla Rytter Juhl 07 2013 French open. Women's doubles eightfinal. Johanna Goliszewski and Birgit Michels vs Christinna Pedersen and Kamilla Rytter Juhl. Foto: Pierre-Yves Beaudouin / CC BY-SA 4.0
Yonex IFB 2013 - Eightfinal - Johanna Goliszewski - Birgit Michels — Christinna Pedersen - Kamilla Rytter Juhl 02
Yonex IFB 2013 - Eightfinal - Johanna Goliszewski - Birgit Michels — Christinna Pedersen - Kamilla Rytter Juhl 02 2013 French open. Women's doubles eightfinal. Johanna Goliszewski and Birgit Michels vs Christinna Pedersen and Kamilla Rytter Juhl. Foto: Pierre-Yves Beaudouin / CC BY-SA 4.0

Badminton player – Johanna Goliszewski was born in Olsztyn (City in Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, Poland) on May 9th, 1986 and is 38 years old today.


How old is Johanna Goliszewski?


Johanna Goliszewski is 38 years old.

Biographical data

Birthday May 9th, 1986 (Friday)
Place of Birth Olsztyn
City in Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, Poland
Birth sign (Zodiac) Taurus (The Bull) ♉
Chinese Zodiac Tiger 兎

Other personalities born on May 9

Also born in 1986

Johanna Goliszewski


When was Johanna Goliszewski born?

Johanna Goliszewski was born on May 9th, 1986.

Place of Birth

Where was Johanna Goliszewski born?

Olsztyn (City in Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, Poland).


What is the zodiac sign of Johanna Goliszewski?

Johanna Goliszewski was born in the zodiac sign Taurus (The Bull).

Chinese Zodiac

Which Chinese zodiac sign does Johanna Goliszewski have?

Johanna Goliszewski was born in 1986 in the year of the Chinese zodiac Tiger.

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