Laura Antonelli

Laura Antonelli (cropped)
Laura Antonelli (cropped) L'attrice italiana Laura Antonelli in uno scatto di scena sul set del film Il merlo maschio (1971) di Pasquale Festa Campanile. Foto: Photo by Unknown author Cropped by Leokand / Public Domain
Laura Antonelli
Laura Antonelli Screenshot del film Sessomatto (1973) di Dino Risi. Foto: . Original uploader was Topolgnussy at it.wikipedia / Public Domain

Italian actress (1941-2015) – Laura Antonelli was born in Pula (City and settlement in Istria County, Croatia) on November 28th, 1941 and died in Ladispoli (Italian comune) on June 22nd, 2015 at the age of 73. Today Laura Antonelli would be 82 years old.


how old was Laura Antonelli when he died?


Laura Antonelli died in 2015 at the age of 73.

Biographical data

Birthday November 28th, 1941 (Friday)
Place of Birth Pula
City and settlement in Istria County, Croatia
Death Date June 22nd, 2015 (Monday)
Death place Ladispoli
Italian comune
Birth sign (Zodiac) Sagittarius (The Centaur/Archer) ♐
Chinese Zodiac Snake 蛇

Other personalities born on November 28

Also born in 1941

Laura Antonelli


When was Laura Antonelli born?

Laura Antonelli was born on November 28th, 1941.


When did Laura Antonelli die?

Laura Antonelli died on June 22nd, 2015 at the age of 73 in Ladispoli (Italian comune). Today Laura Antonelli would be 82 years old.

Place of Birth

Where was Laura Antonelli born?

Pula (City and settlement in Istria County, Croatia).

Death place

Where did Laura Antonelli die?

Ladispoli (Italian comune).


What is the zodiac sign of Laura Antonelli?

Laura Antonelli was born in the zodiac sign Sagittarius (The Centaur/Archer).

Chinese Zodiac

Which Chinese zodiac sign does Laura Antonelli have?

Laura Antonelli was born in 1941 in the year of the Chinese zodiac Snake.

Laura Antonelli: Future birthdays

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Died on June 22nd, 2015:
Anniversaries of death

Italian actress (1941-2015)

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