Linus Torvalds (54)
December 28th, 1969

LinuxCon Europe Linus Torvalds 04
LinuxCon Europe Linus Torvalds 04 Linus Torvalds speaking at the LinuxCon Europe 2014 in Düsseldorf Foto: Krd / CC BY-SA 4.0
LinuxCon Europe Linus Torvalds 05
LinuxCon Europe Linus Torvalds 05 Linus Torvalds speaking at the LinuxCon Europe 2014 in Düsseldorf Foto: Krd / CC BY-SA 4.0
Linus Torvalds, 2002, Australian Linux conference2
Linus Torvalds, 2002, Australian Linux conference2 Linus Torvalds came to Perth for the 2003 Australian Linux conference, and was a great sport. He remarked that it was a nice change from penguins Foto: Linus_Torvalds,_2002,_Australian_Linux_conference.jpg: Alex Dawson derivative work: Bff / CC BY-SA 2.0
Linus Torvalds - Linuxcon2011
Linus Torvalds - Linuxcon2011 Linuxcon2011 - São Paulo / Brazil Linus Torvalds - Linux kernel creator Foto: Beraldo Leal from Natal / RN, Brazil / CC BY 2.0
Linus Torvalds flipped
Linus Torvalds flipped Linus Torvalds, creator of the Linux kernel. Foto: The original uploader was Some Person at English Wikipedia. / CC BY-SA 3.0

Finnish-American software engineer – Linus Torvalds was born in Helsinki (Capital and most populous city of Finland) on December 28th, 1969 and is 54 years old today.


How old is Linus Torvalds?


Linus Torvalds is 54 years old.

Biographical data

Birthday December 28th, 1969 (Sunday)
Place of Birth Helsinki
Capital and most populous city of Finland
Birth sign (Zodiac) Capricorn (The Sea-Goat) ♑
Chinese Zodiac Rooster 雞

Other personalities born on December 28

Also born in 1969

Linus Torvalds


When was Linus Torvalds born?

Linus Torvalds was born on December 28th, 1969.

Place of Birth

Where was Linus Torvalds born?

Helsinki (Capital and most populous city of Finland).


What is the zodiac sign of Linus Torvalds?

Linus Torvalds was born in the zodiac sign Capricorn (The Sea-Goat).

Chinese Zodiac

Which Chinese zodiac sign does Linus Torvalds have?

Linus Torvalds was born in 1969 in the year of the Chinese zodiac Rooster.

Linus Torvalds: Future birthdays

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