Colombian singer – Manuel Turizo was born in Montería (Capital of the Colombian department of Córdoba) on April 12th, 2000 and is 24 years old today.
manuelturizo.comManuel Turizo is 24 years old.
Birthday | April 12th, 2000 (Wednesday) |
Place of Birth | Montería Capital of the Colombian department of Córdoba |
Birth sign (Zodiac) | Aries (The Ram) ♈ |
Chinese Zodiac | Dragon 龍 |
Manuel Turizo was born on April 12th, 2000.
Montería (Capital of the Colombian department of Córdoba).
Manuel Turizo was born in the zodiac sign Aries (The Ram).
Manuel Turizo was born in 2000 in the year of the Chinese zodiac Dragon.