Melinda Gates (60)
August 15th, 1964

Melinda Gates - World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2011
Melinda Gates - World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2011 DAVOS/SWITZERLAND, 28JAN11 - William H. Gates III (FLTR), Co-Chair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, USA, and Melinda French Gates, Co-Chair, Bill & M... Foto: World Economic Forum / CC BY-SA 2.0
Melinda Gates, Co-founder, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (15819001286)
Melinda Gates, Co-founder, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (15819001286) Chatham House Prize 2014 - In Conversation with Melinda Gates, 21 November 2014, Foto: Chatham House, London / CC BY 2.0
Melinda Gates 2009
Melinda Gates 2009 Norwegian PM Melinda Gates at the Gates' visit to the Oslo Opera House in June 2009. Foto: Bill_og_Melinda_Gates_2009-06-03_(bilde_06).JPG: Kjetil Ree derivative work: Jacek555 / CC BY-SA 3.0

American philanthropist – Melinda Gates was born in Dallas (City in Texas, United States) on August 15th, 1964 and is 60 years old today.


How old is Melinda Gates?


Melinda Gates is 60 years old.

Biographical data

Birthday August 15th, 1964 (Saturday)
Place of Birth Dallas
City in Texas, United States
Birth sign (Zodiac) Leo (The Lion) ♌
Chinese Zodiac Dragon 龍

Other personalities born on August 15

Also born in 1964

Melinda Gates


When was Melinda Gates born?

Melinda Gates was born on August 15th, 1964.

Place of Birth

Where was Melinda Gates born?

Dallas (City in Texas, United States).


What is the zodiac sign of Melinda Gates?

Melinda Gates was born in the zodiac sign Leo (The Lion).

Chinese Zodiac

Which Chinese zodiac sign does Melinda Gates have?

Melinda Gates was born in 1964 in the year of the Chinese zodiac Dragon.

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