Mireille Mathieu (78)
July 22nd, 1946

Mireille Mathieu 21 04 2011
Mireille Mathieu 21 04 2011 The French singer M.Matieu took part in the celebration of 50th Anniversary of Yury Gagarin space flight at UNESCO Foto: V.Sekletov / CC0
Mireille Mathieu à Lille - 14 novembre 2014
Mireille Mathieu à Lille - 14 novembre 2014 Mireille Mathieu au Théâtre Sébastopol de Lille, le 14 novembre 2014. Foto: Antho158 / CC BY-SA 4.0
Mireille Mathieu Hamburg 1971 001
Mireille Mathieu Hamburg 1971 001 Mireille Mathieu in der Musikhalle Hamburg, 1971. Foto: Heinrich Klaffs / CC BY-SA 2.0
Mireille Mathieu - Düsseldorf - 23.4.2010
Mireille Mathieu - Düsseldorf - 23.4.2010 Mireille Mathieu, concert in Düsseldorf op 23 april 2010. Foto: Ricochet / CC BY-SA 4.0

French singer – Mireille Mathieu was born in Avignon (Commune in Vaucluse, France) on July 22nd, 1946 and is 78 years old today.


How old is Mireille Mathieu?


Mireille Mathieu is 78 years old.

Biographical data

Birthday July 22nd, 1946 (Monday)
Place of Birth Avignon
Commune in Vaucluse, France
Birth sign (Zodiac) Cancer (The Crab) ♋
Chinese Zodiac Dog 狗

Other personalities born on July 22

Also born in 1946

Mireille Mathieu


When was Mireille Mathieu born?

Mireille Mathieu was born on July 22nd, 1946.

Place of Birth

Where was Mireille Mathieu born?

Avignon (Commune in Vaucluse, France).


What is the zodiac sign of Mireille Mathieu?

Mireille Mathieu was born in the zodiac sign Cancer (The Crab).

Chinese Zodiac

Which Chinese zodiac sign does Mireille Mathieu have?

Mireille Mathieu was born in 1946 in the year of the Chinese zodiac Dog.

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