Tobias Smollett

Tobias Smollett c 1770
Tobias Smollett c 1770 Foto: Unidentified painter / Public Domain
Robert Scaddon - Tobias Smollett - Google Art Project
Robert Scaddon - Tobias Smollett - Google Art Project Foto: Robert Scaddon (1708 - 1808) – Artist (British)Details of artist on Google Art Project / Public Domain
Tobias Smollett
Tobias Smollett Portrait in The adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves ; and, The history and adventures of an atom. Foto: Unknown author / Public Domain
Tobias George Smollett. Line engraving by J. Collyer, 1790. Wellcome V0005506
Tobias George Smollett. Line engraving by J. Collyer, 1790. Wellcome V0005506 Tobias George Smollett. Line engraving by J. Collyer, 1790. Iconographic Collections Keywords: portrait prints; engravings; Tobias George Smollett Foto: Wikimedia Commons / CC BY 4.0

18th-century poet and author from Scotland – Tobias Smollett was born in Cardross (Village in Argyll and Bute, Scotland; former historic parish) on March 19th, 1721 and died in Livorno (City in Italy, Central Italy) on September 17th, 1771 at the age of 50. Today Tobias Smollett would be 303 years old.


how old was Tobias Smollett when he died?


Tobias Smollett died in 1771 at the age of 50.

Biographical data

Birthday March 19th, 1721 (Wednesday)
Place of Birth Cardross
Village in Argyll and Bute, Scotland; former historic parish
Death Date September 17th, 1771 (Tuesday)
Death place Livorno
City in Italy, Central Italy
Birth sign (Zodiac) Pisces (The Fish) ♓
Chinese Zodiac Ox 牛

Other personalities born on March 19

Also born in 1721

Tobias Smollett


When was Tobias Smollett born?

Tobias Smollett was born on March 19th, 1721.


When did Tobias Smollett die?

Tobias Smollett died on September 17th, 1771 at the age of 50 in Livorno (City in Italy, Central Italy). Today Tobias Smollett would be 303 years old.

Place of Birth

Where was Tobias Smollett born?

Cardross (Village in Argyll and Bute, Scotland; former historic parish).

Death place

Where did Tobias Smollett die?

Livorno (City in Italy, Central Italy).


What is the zodiac sign of Tobias Smollett?

Tobias Smollett was born in the zodiac sign Pisces (The Fish).

Chinese Zodiac

Which Chinese zodiac sign does Tobias Smollett have?

Tobias Smollett was born in 1721 in the year of the Chinese zodiac Ox.

Tobias Smollett: Future birthdays

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Died on September 17th, 1771:
Anniversaries of death

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18th-century poet and author from Scotland