Born on June 23rd, 1152



June 23rd, 1152 was a Monday.



People born on June 23rd, 1152 will turn 872 this year (2024), in exactly 35 days .


Cancer (The Crab)

June 22nd, 1152 - July 22nd, 1152

Age in days, weeks and months
Wow, over 318,000 days old!

Why not celebrate an alternative birthday? In 543 days, exactly on November 13th, 2025, people who were born on June 23rd, 1152 will be 319,000 days old!

318,457 Days

45,493 Weeks

10,462 Months

... in seconds, minutes and hours


What happened on June 23rd?

... of famous people, actors, celebrities and stars on June 23rd

Same Day
Who's birthday is on June 23rd?

Birthdays of famous people

Thomas Vinterberg: Age & BirthdayJane Wiedlin: Age & BirthdayShendy Puspa Irawati: Age & BirthdayDechapol Puavaranukroh: Age & BirthdayJordan Rakei: Age & BirthdayEgon Flaig: Age & BirthdayNovak Djokovic: Age & BirthdayBob Dylan: Age & BirthdayLyna bonasera: Age & BirthdayMelanie Lynskey: Age & Birthday

Public holidays on June 23rd

Fixed holidays (Christian feast day, Saint John's Eve and the first day of the Midsummer celebrations [although this is not the real summer solstice; see June 20] , Saint John's Eve and the first day of the Midsummer celebrations) which are celebrated on June 23rd.

Christian feastÆthelthryth
Marie of Oignies
Christian feast
Joseph Cafasso
Christian feast
June 23 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
Christian feast
Father's Day (Nicaragua, Poland)'s_Day
Grand Duke's Official Birthday (Luxembourg)'s_Official_Birthday
International Women in Engineering Day
International Widows Day (international)
National Day of Remembrance for Victims of Terrorism (Canada)
Okinawa Memorial Day (Okinawa Prefecture)
Bonfires of Saint John (Spain)
Saint John's Eve and the first day of the Midsummer celebrations [although this is not the real summer solstice; see June 20] (Roman Catholic Church, Europe)
First night of Festa de São João do Porto (Porto)
Saint John's Eve and the first day of the Midsummer celebrations [although this is not the real summer solstice; see June 20] (Roman Catholic Church, Europe)ão_João_do_Porto
First day of Golowan Festival (Cornwall)
Saint John's Eve and the first day of the Midsummer celebrations [although this is not the real summer solstice; see June 20] (Roman Catholic Church, Europe)
Jaaniõhtu (Estonia)
Saint John's Eve and the first day of the Midsummer celebrations [although this is not the real summer solstice; see June 20] (Roman Catholic Church, Europe)'s_Day_(Estonia)
Jāņi (Latvia)
Saint John's Eve and the first day of the Midsummer celebrations [although this is not the real summer solstice; see June 20] (Roman Catholic Church, Europe)āņi
Kupala Night (Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Ukraine)
Saint John's Eve and the first day of the Midsummer celebrations [although this is not the real summer solstice; see June 20] (Roman Catholic Church, Europe)
Last day of Drăgaica fair (Buzău, Romania)
Saint John's Eve and the first day of the Midsummer celebrations [although this is not the real summer solstice; see June 20] (Roman Catholic Church, Europe)ăgaica_fair
United Nations Public Service Day (International)
Victory Day (Estonia)õidupüha
Bonfires of Saint John (Spain)
Saint John's Eve and the first day of the Midsummer celebrations (although this is not the real summer solstice; see June 20) (Roman Catholic Church, Europe)
First night of Festa de São João do Porto (Porto)
Saint John's Eve and the first day of the Midsummer celebrations (although this is not the real summer solstice; see June 20) (Roman Catholic Church, Europe)ão_João_do_Porto
First day of Golowan Festival (Cornwall)
Saint John's Eve and the first day of the Midsummer celebrations (although this is not the real summer solstice; see June 20) (Roman Catholic Church, Europe)
Jaaniõhtu (Estonia)
Saint John's Eve and the first day of the Midsummer celebrations (although this is not the real summer solstice; see June 20) (Roman Catholic Church, Europe)'s_Day_(Estonia)
Jāņi (Latvia)
Saint John's Eve and the first day of the Midsummer celebrations (although this is not the real summer solstice; see June 20) (Roman Catholic Church, Europe)āņi
Kupala Night (Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Ukraine)
Saint John's Eve and the first day of the Midsummer celebrations (although this is not the real summer solstice; see June 20) (Roman Catholic Church, Europe)
Last day of Drăgaica fair (Buzău, Romania)
Saint John's Eve and the first day of the Midsummer celebrations (although this is not the real summer solstice; see June 20) (Roman Catholic Church, Europe)ăgaica_fair

Date as a Roman numeral / digit




M = 1000C = 100L = 50X = 10V = 5I = 1

Leap year

Yes: 1152 is a leap year, therefore has a 29th of February with an additional leap day and a total of 366 days (instead of the usual 365 days in a normal year).

June 1152

June 1152

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