July 26th, 1928 was a Thursday.
People born on July 26th, 1928 (assuming the person is still alive) would have turned 96 years old this year (2024).
July 23rd, 1928 - August 23rd, 1928
Why not celebrate an alternative birthday? In 865 days, exactly on February 17th, 2027, people who were born on July 26th, 1928 will be 36,000 days old!
Birth | 20 | 67 80 |
Childhood & Education 20 Years | Work 47 Years | Retirement 13 Years |
The current age is higher than the life expectancy assumed, please adjust the life expectancy on the right.
British singer and songwriter; vocalist of The Rolling Stones
*July 26th, 1943, DartfordIrish playwright, critic, and polemicist (1856–1950)
*July 26th, 1856, Dublin †November 2nd, 1950, Ayot St LawrenceAmerican actor (1922–2000)
*July 26th, 1922, Chicago †December 26th, 2000, BridgeportEnglish writer and philosopher (1894–1963)
*July 26th, 1894, Godalming †November 22nd, 1963, Los AngelesSpanish politician
*July 26th, 1927, Barcelona †January 13th, 2004, BarcelonaNorwegian composer, conductor and producer
*April 14th, 1928, Oslo †July 7th, 2017, OsloArgentine Marxist revolutionary (1928–1967)
*June 14th, 1928, Rosario †October 9th, 1967, La HigueraAmerican poet, author, and civil rights activist (1928–2014)
*April 4th, 1928, St. Louis †May 28th, 2014, Winston-SalemGerman racing driver (1928-2005)
*April 20th, 1928, Dresden †September 5th, 2005, DresdenGerman television presenter (1928-2014)
*February 12th, 1928, Rostock †July 11th, 2014, RostockGerman actor
*August 28th, 1928, Remscheid †June 9th, 2009, Seehausen am StaffelseeGerman historian
*October 11th, 1928, Zwickau †December 19th, 2009, Raschau-MarkersbachGerman historian of classical antiquity (1928-2000)
*May 18th, 1928, Magdeburg †April 2nd, 2000, LeipzigSwedish footballer (1928-2017)
*January 13th, 1928, Ringarum †February 16th, 2017, NorrköpingPresident of Egypt from 1981 to 2011
*May 4th, 1928, Kafr el-Muṣīlḥa †February 25th, 2020, CairoAmerican artist, film director, and producer (1928–1987)
*August 6th, 1928, Pittsburgh †February 22nd, 1987, New York CityAmerican actress (1928–2022)
*April 22nd, 1928, New York City †April 2nd, 2022, Palm DesertFixed holidays (Christian feast day) which are celebrated on July 26th.
M = 1000 | CM = 900 | X = 10 | V = 5 | I = 1 |
Yes: 1928 is a leap year, therefore has a 29th of February with an additional leap day and a total of 366 days (instead of the usual 365 days in a normal year).