Exactly 27,988 day(s) ago the month of February 1948 began on a Sunday and is therefore 919 month(s) or 3,998 week(s) old.

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Leap year

1948 is a leap year, therefore has a 29th of February with an additional leap day and a total of 366 days (instead of the usual 365 days in a normal year).

Birthdays in February 1948

How old are you, if you were born in February 1948?

People born in February are turning 76 this year (2024).


... of famous people, actors, celebrities and stars born in February 1948

Birthdays of famous people

Kirsty Gilmour: Age & BirthdayJean Pütz: Age & BirthdayEustace Miles: Age & BirthdayMarit Berger Røsland: Age & BirthdayHans Albers: Age & BirthdayPreston Tucker: Age & BirthdayGuf: Age & BirthdayEduard Norden: Age & BirthdayAlexis Sánchez: Age & BirthdayKaylee DeFer: Age & Birthday

Calendar February 1948

Beginning of the month


01. February 1948

End of the month


29. February 1948

February 1948

w# Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
5 1
6 2345678
7 9101112131415
8 16171819202122
9 23242526272829

Friday the 13th

  • 13. February 1948

Zodiac Signs

Aquarius (The Water-Bearer)

February 1st, 1948 - February 19th, 1948

Pisces (The Fish)

February 20th, 1948 - February 29th, 1948

Future special birthdays