March 19th, 1949 was a Saturday.
People born on March 19th, 1949 turned 75 this year (2024).
February 20th, 1949 - March 20th, 1949
Why not celebrate an alternative birthday? In 425 days, exactly on November 15th, 2025, people who were born on March 19th, 1949 will be 28,000 days old!
Birth | 20 | 67 80 |
Childhood & Education 20 Years | Work 47 Years | Retirement 13 Years |
According to the assumptions made it looks like you can already enjoy your well-deserved retirement!
German author
*March 19th, 1929, Niedermarsberg †August 24th, 2018, CansteinAmerican actor (1929-2017)
*March 19th, 1929, Wichita †March 1st, 2017, Kansas CityNorwegian singer, musician, and comedian (1949–2020)
*September 27th, 1949, Tønsberg †February 24th, 2020, YstadGerman university teacher, Historian of classical antiquity and writer
*May 16th, 1949, OberstenfeldCongolese singer, musician and actor (1949-2016)
*June 14th, 1949, Lubefu †April 24th, 2016, AbidjanAmerican writer (novel, drama, poetry, essay) (1949-2017)
*July 1st, 1949, Munich †May 24th, 2017, Sea RanchAmerican punk rock vocalist and guitarist
*October 22nd, 1949, Youngstown †June 3rd, 1990, 1st arrondissement of ParisPrime Minister of Israel (1996–1999, 2009–2021, 2022–present)
*October 21st, 1949, Tel AvivArgentinian lawyer (1949-2017)
*October 2nd, 1949, Buenos Aires †April 17th, 2017, MadridFixed holidays (Christian Observances) which are celebrated on March 19th.
M = 1000 | CM = 900 | XL = 40 | X = 10 | IX = 9 | I = 1 |
No: With 365 days 1949 is a normal year and no leap year.