January 7th, 1955 was a Friday.
People born on January 7th, 1955 turned 69 this year (2024).
December 22nd, 1954 - January 20th, 1955
Why not celebrate an alternative birthday? In 544 days, exactly on March 15th, 2026, people who were born on January 7th, 1955 will be 26,000 days old!
Birth | 20 | 67 80 |
Childhood & Education 20 Years | Work 47 Years | Retirement 13 Years |
According to the assumptions made it looks like you can already enjoy your well-deserved retirement!
Japanese singer, voice actor (1948-2022)
*January 7th, 1948, Setagaya-ku †December 6th, 2022, TokyoGerman Green Party MP (b.1952), author of EEG (Renewable Energy Sources Act)
*January 7th, 1952, HammelburgAmerican journalist, presenter, producer, and author
*January 7th, 1957, Arlington CountyBritish singer-songwriter (1955–2018)
*April 17th, 1955, Leigh †December 6th, 2018, TallinnAmerican businessman, investor, and philanthropist (born 1955)
*October 28th, 1955, SeattleEnglish computer scientist, inventor of the World Wide Web (born 1955)
*June 8th, 1955, LondonAmerican entrepreneur; co-founder of Apple Inc. (1955–2011)
*February 24th, 1955, San Francisco †October 5th, 2011, Palo AltoAmerican actor and filmmaker (1955–2017)
*May 17th, 1955, Fort Worth †February 25th, 2017, Los AngelesFixed holidays (Christian Feast Day, Christmas) which are celebrated on January 7th.
M = 1000 | CM = 900 | L = 50 | V = 5 | I = 1 |
No: With 365 days 1955 is a normal year and no leap year.