Born on March 16th, 1988



March 16th, 1988 was a Wednesday.



People born on March 16th, 1988 turned 36 this year (2024).


Pisces (The Fish)

February 20th, 1988 - March 20th, 1988

Age in days, weeks and months
Wow, over 13,000 days old!

Why not celebrate an alternative birthday? In 795 days, exactly on July 15th, 2026, people who were born on March 16th, 1988 will be 14,000 days old!

13,205 Days

1,886 Weeks

433 Months

... in seconds, minutes and hours


Born on March 16th, 1988: When to retire?

Birth 20 67 80
Childhood & Education 20 Years Work 47 Years Retirement 13 Years

31 more years of work

You have already worked for 16 years so far and have still 31 years of hard work to come until you can retire in 2055 at the age of 67.

Assumptions & Individualization

In order to generate the diagram there were assumptions made based on statistical averages. Please individualize the data (the information) according to your personal situation.

Age at start of work
Retirement age
Life expectancy

What happened on March 16th, 1988?

The Troubles

The Troubles: Ulster loyalist militant Michael Stone attacks a Provisional IRA funeral in Belfast with pistols and grenades. Three persons, one of them a member of PIRA are killed, and more than 60 others are wounded.

What else happened on March 16th?

... of famous people, actors, celebrities and stars on March 16th

Born on March 16th, 1988

Same Day
Who's birthday is on March 16th?

Same year
Born in 1988

Birthdays of famous people

Martin Sonneborn: Age & BirthdaySalvador Dalí: Age & BirthdayTones and I: Age & BirthdayAndrew Eldritch: Age & BirthdayMassimo Girotti: Age & BirthdaySudheer Babu: Age & BirthdayArve Opsahl: Age & BirthdayNikhil Kanetkar: Age & BirthdayGlenn Gregory: Age & BirthdayRishi Sunak: Age & Birthday

Public holidays on March 16th

Fixed holidays (Christian feast day) which are celebrated on March 16th.

Finian Lobhar (Finian the Leper)
Christian feast
Heribert of Cologne.
Christian feast
Hilarius of Aquileia
Christian feast
Julian of Antioch
Christian feast
March 16 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
Christian feast
Day of the Book Smugglers (Lithuania)
Remembrance day of the Latvian legionnaires (Latvia)
Saint Urho's Day (Finnish Americans and Finnish Canadians)

Date as a Roman numeral / digit




M = 1000CM = 900L = 50X = 10V = 5I = 1

Born on March 16th, 1988
Future birthdays

Leap year

Yes: 1988 is a leap year, therefore has a 29th of February with an additional leap day and a total of 366 days (instead of the usual 365 days in a normal year).

March 1988

March 1988

w# Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
9 123456
10 78910111213
11 14151617181920
12 21222324252627
13 28293031