Exactly 9,074 day(s) ago the month of December 1999 began on a Wednesday and is therefore 298 month(s) or 1,296 week(s) old.

Look up a concrete date


With 365 days 1999 is a normal year and no leap year.

Birthdays in December 1999

How old are you, if you were born in December 1999?

People born in December 1999 will be turning 25 years this year(2024).


... of famous people, actors, celebrities and stars born in December 1999

Birthdays of famous people

Vladimir Putin: Age & BirthdaySebastian Rode: Age & BirthdayLit Killah: Age & BirthdayPierre Riché: Age & BirthdayErwin Rohde: Age & BirthdayLoyle Carner: Age & BirthdayPierre Taittinger: Age & BirthdayDiamond Platnumz: Age & BirthdayUrsula von der Leyen: Age & BirthdayDuda Beat: Age & Birthday

Calendar December 1999

Beginning of the month


01. December 1999

End of the month


31. December 1999

December 1999

w# Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
48 12345
49 6789101112
50 13141516171819
51 20212223242526
52 2728293031

Zodiac Signs

Sagittarius (The Centaur/Archer)

December 1st, 1999 - December 21st, 1999

Capricorn (The Sea-Goat)

December 22nd, 1999 - December 31st, 1999

Future special birthdays