February 10th, 2023 was a Friday.
People born on February 10th, 2023 turned 1 this year (2024).
January 21st, 2023 - February 19th, 2023
Why not celebrate an alternative birthday? In 99 days, exactly on January 10th, 2025, people who were born on February 10th, 2023 will be 700 days old!
Birth | 20 | 67 80 |
Childhood & Education 20 Years | Work 47 Years | Retirement 13 Years |
Since you are still in education and expected to start to work in 19 years, you would be able to retire 2090 (in 66 years) at the age of 67.
American film scholar
*February 10th, 1933, Milwaukee †February 18th, 2017, Los AngelesAmerican actress, singer, model and producer (born 1991)
*February 10th, 1991, RhinebeckGerman composer
*February 10th, 1931, Königsberg †March 5th, 2003, Bergholz-RehbrückeGerman television presenter (1921–2003)
*February 10th, 1921, Hanover †October 14th, 2003, BerlinNorwegian para-rower and para-cross country skier
*February 10th, 1989, Levanger MunicipalityPrime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1957 to 1963
*February 10th, 1894, Chelsea †December 29th, 1986, SussexGerman poet, playwright, and theatre director (1898–1956)
*February 10th, 1898, Augsburg †August 14th, 1956, East Berlin3rd Prime Minister of Singapore from 2004 to 2024
*February 10th, 1952, Colony of SingaporeAustralian stage and screen actress (1897–1992)
*February 10th, 1897, Adelaide †January 3rd, 1992, Santa BarbaraFixed holidays (Christian feast day) which are celebrated on February 10th.
M = 1000 | X = 10 | I = 1 |
No: With 365 days 2023 is a normal year and no leap year.