Anitta (31)
March 30th, 1993

Anitta no Multishow em 2017
Anitta no Multishow em 2017 Anitta esteve no palco do "Ferdinando Show", lá em 2017, e mostrou que é mesmo po-de-ro-sa! Na época, a cantora estava solteira e falou sobre pegação ... Foto: Humor Multishow / CC BY 3.0
Anitta-2019 A capital comemora o seu 59º aniversário com shows de ritmos variados na Esplanada dos Ministérios na noite deste domingo (21/04). Fotos: Joel Rodrig... Foto: Agência Brasília from Brasília, Brasil / CC BY 2.0
30 - Anitta (30) (16479788651)
30 - Anitta (30) (16479788651) 30 - Anitta (30) Foto: Renan Katayama / CC BY-SA 2.0

Brazilian singer, actress and businesswoman – Anitta was born in Rio de Janeiro (Capital and largest city of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) on March 30th, 1993 and is 31 years old today.


How old is Anitta?


Anitta is 31 years old.

Biographical data

Birthday March 30th, 1993 (Tuesday)
Place of Birth Rio de Janeiro
Capital and largest city of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Birth sign (Zodiac) Aries (The Ram) ♈
Chinese Zodiac Rooster 雞

Other personalities born on March 30

Also born in 1993



When was Anitta born?

Anitta was born on March 30th, 1993.

Place of Birth

Where was Anitta born?

Rio de Janeiro (Capital and largest city of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil).


What is the zodiac sign of Anitta?

Anitta was born in the zodiac sign Aries (The Ram).

Chinese Zodiac

Which Chinese zodiac sign does Anitta have?

Anitta was born in 1993 in the year of the Chinese zodiac Rooster.

Anitta: Future birthdays

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Brazilian singer, actress and businesswoman