Queen of Denmark from 1972 to 2024 – Margrethe II of Denmark was born in Amalienborg (Palace and home of the Danish royal family in Copenhagen) on April 16th, 1940 and is 84 years old today.
Margrethe II of Denmark is 84 years old.
Birthday | April 16th, 1940 (Tuesday) |
Place of Birth | Amalienborg Palace and home of the Danish royal family in Copenhagen |
Birth sign (Zodiac) | Aries (The Ram) ♈ |
Chinese Zodiac | Dragon 龍 |
Margrethe II of Denmark was born on April 16th, 1940.
Amalienborg (Palace and home of the Danish royal family in Copenhagen).
Margrethe II of Denmark was born in the zodiac sign Aries (The Ram).
Margrethe II of Denmark was born in 1940 in the year of the Chinese zodiac Dragon.