Sergei Bubka (60)
December 4th, 1963

Sergey Bubka 2013-01-08
Sergey Bubka 2013-01-08 Legendary Ukrainian pole vaulter Sergey Bubka during a visit to Qatar's ASPIRE Academy. Foto: Doha Stadium Plus Qatar Photograph: Vinod Divakaran ( / CC BY 2.0
Sergey Bubka 2013
Sergey Bubka 2013 Legendary Ukrainian pole vaulter Sergey Bubka during a visit to Qatar's ASPIRE Academy. Foto: Vinod Divakaran / Doha Stadium Plus Qatar / CC BY 2.0
Sergey Bubka at the opening of the YOG Learning Centre, Singapore - 20081030
Sergey Bubka at the opening of the YOG Learning Centre, Singapore - 20081030 Ukrainian former pole-vaulter Sergey Bubka at the opening of the YOG Learning Centre in Singapore. Foto: whyohgee singapore 2010. / CC BY 2.0

Ukrainian pole vaulter – Sergei Bubka was born in Luhansk (City and administrative centre of Luhansk Oblast, Ukraine) on December 4th, 1963 and is 60 years old today.


How old is Sergei Bubka?


Sergei Bubka is 60 years old.

Biographical data

Birthday December 4th, 1963 (Wednesday)
Place of Birth Luhansk
City and administrative centre of Luhansk Oblast, Ukraine
Birth sign (Zodiac) Sagittarius (The Centaur/Archer) ♐
Chinese Zodiac Rabbit 兔

Other personalities born on December 4

Also born in 1963

Sergei Bubka


When was Sergei Bubka born?

Sergei Bubka was born on December 4th, 1963.

Place of Birth

Where was Sergei Bubka born?

Luhansk (City and administrative centre of Luhansk Oblast, Ukraine).


What is the zodiac sign of Sergei Bubka?

Sergei Bubka was born in the zodiac sign Sagittarius (The Centaur/Archer).

Chinese Zodiac

Which Chinese zodiac sign does Sergei Bubka have?

Sergei Bubka was born in 1963 in the year of the Chinese zodiac Rabbit.

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