Born in Ayabaca


Capital city of Ayabaca, Piura, Peru

Ayabaca as a birthplace has produced a number of famous personalities of various fields (e.g. President of Peru (1832-1905)): Lizardo Montero Flores and some more.

Celebrities from Ayabaca
Where is Ayabaca located? Ayabaca: Current Local Time

Celebrities from Ayabaca

Birthdays of famous people

Marilyn Monroe: Age & BirthdayÅse Michaelsen: Age & BirthdayArianne Zucker: Age & BirthdayAdolf Sauerland: Age & BirthdayChau Hoi Wah: Age & BirthdayŁukasz Moreń: Age & BirthdayWendy Chen Hsuan-Yu: Age & BirthdayShane Reti: Age & BirthdayStephan Barratt-Due: Age & BirthdayMario Götze: Age & Birthday