Born in South Woodford tube station

South Woodford tube station

London Underground station

South Woodford tube station as a birthplace has produced a number of famous personalities of various fields (e.g. English synth-pop musician and songwriter): Vince Clarke and some more.

Celebrities from South Woodford tube station

Birthdays of famous people

MS Dhoni: Age & BirthdayVince Clarke: Age & BirthdayMathias Boe: Age & BirthdaySony Dwi Kuncoro: Age & BirthdayIvan Sozonov: Age & BirthdayRuben Jille: Age & BirthdayKhosit Phetpradab: Age & BirthdayViola Desmond: Age & BirthdayFelipe Araújo: Age & BirthdayJim Kerr: Age & Birthday