May 28th, 1644 was a Saturday.
People born on May 28th, 1644 (assuming the person is still alive) would have turned 380 years old this year (2024).
May 22nd, 1644 - June 21st, 1644
Why not celebrate an alternative birthday? In 97 days, exactly on December 22nd, 2024, people who were born on May 28th, 1644 will be 139,000 days old!
King of Great Britain and Ireland (r. 1714–27), Elector of Hanover (r. 1698–1727)
*May 28th, 1660, Hanover †June 11th, 1727, OsnabrückGerman motocycle racer
*May 28th, 1901, Oelsnitz, Erzgebirge †April 30th, 1930, CzechoslovakiaCarnolian scientist
*May 28th, 1641, Ljubljana †September 19th, 1693, KrškoIrish poet, singer and songwriter (1779–1852)
*May 28th, 1779, Dublin †February 25th, 1852, BromhamEnglish real estate entrepreneur, philosopher, early Quaker and founder of the Province of Pennsylvania (1644-1718)
*October 14th, 1644, London †July 30th, 1718, RuscombeDanish astronomer (*1644 – †1710)
*September 25th, 1644, Aarhus †September 19th, 1710, CopenhagenEnglish princess, duchesse of Orléans (1644-1670)
*June 16th, 1644, Exeter †June 30th, 1670, Saint-CloudFrench historian (1644-1720)
*November 5th, 1644, Vaucouleurs †May 2nd, 1720, ParisEnglish charcoal merchant, chemist and concert promoter
*January 14th, 1644, Rushden †September 27th, 1714, ClerkenwellGerman businessman
*March 18th, 1644, Schneeberg †January 26th, 1715, SchneebergSwedish noble 1644–1716
*February 7th, 1644, Stockholm †November 26th, 1716, StockholmPrince-Bishop of Münster
*August 8th, 1644, Lenhausen Castle †May 6th, 1706, GrevenDutch general in the service of England (1644-1703)
*June 4th, 1644, Amerongen Castle †February 11th, 1703, UtrechtGerman theologian
*February 11th, 1644, Altdorf bei Nürnberg †January 29th, 1729, Königslutter am ElmDuchess of Savoy (1644–1724)
*April 11th, 1644, Paris †March 15th, 1724, TurinDutch Lieutenant Admiral
*December 29th, 1644, Brielle †January 6th, 1711, LeidenBohemian-Austrian composer and violinist (1644–1704)
*August 12th, 1644, Stráž pod Ralskem †May 3rd, 1704, SalzburgPrince-Bishop of Bamberg (1644-1693)
*May 16th, 1644, Eichstätt †October 9th, 1693, BambergMother of Johann Sebastian Bach (1644-1694)
*February 24th, 1644, Erfurt †May 1st, 1694, EisenachDanish statesman (1644-1708)
*April 21st, 1644, Copenhagen †July 21st, 1708, Clausholm CastleFixed holidays (Christian feast day) which are celebrated on May 28th.
M = 1000 | D = 500 | C = 100 | XL = 40 | X = 10 | V = 5 | IV = 4 | I = 1 |
Yes: 1644 is a leap year, therefore has a 29th of February with an additional leap day and a total of 366 days (instead of the usual 365 days in a normal year).