Lars Bender (35)
April 27th, 1989

Lars Bender 2015
Lars Bender 2015 Lars Bender at the Bayer 04 Leverkusen presentation before the 2015/16 season Foto: Thomas Kriehn Photography from Menden (Halingen), Germany / CC BY 2.0
FIFA WC-qualification 2014 - Austria vs. Germany 2012-09-11 -Lars Bender 01
FIFA WC-qualification 2014 - Austria vs. Germany 2012-09-11 -Lars Bender 01 The making of this work was supported by Wikimedia Austria. For other files made with the support of Wikimedia Austria, please see the category Suppor... Foto: Michael Kranewitter / CC BY-SA 3.0
Lars Bender
Lars Bender Lars Bender, player of TSV 1860 München, training, 20.01.2007, Grünwalder Str., Munich Foto: No machine-readable author provided. Mt7 assumed (based on copyright claims). / CC BY-SA 2.5

German footballer (1989–) – Lars Bender was born in Rosenheim (Town in Bavaria, Germany) on April 27th, 1989 and is 35 years old today.


How old is Lars Bender?


Lars Bender is 35 years old.

Biographical data

Birthday April 27th, 1989 (Thursday)
Place of Birth Rosenheim
Town in Bavaria, Germany
Birth sign (Zodiac) Taurus (The Bull) ♉
Chinese Zodiac Snake 蛇

Other personalities born on April 27

Also born in 1989

Lars Bender


When was Lars Bender born?

Lars Bender was born on April 27th, 1989.

Place of Birth

Where was Lars Bender born?

Rosenheim (Town in Bavaria, Germany).


What is the zodiac sign of Lars Bender?

Lars Bender was born in the zodiac sign Taurus (The Bull).

Chinese Zodiac

Which Chinese zodiac sign does Lars Bender have?

Lars Bender was born in 1989 in the year of the Chinese zodiac Snake.

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German footballer (1989–)

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