Born on April 17th, 1932



April 17th, 1932 was a Sunday.



People born on April 17th, 1932 (assuming the person is still alive) would have turned 92 years old this year (2024).


Aries (The Ram)

March 21st, 1932 - April 20th, 1932

Age in days, weeks and months
Wow, over 33,000 days old!

Why not celebrate an alternative birthday? In 386 days, exactly on May 19th, 2025, people who were born on April 17th, 1932 will be 34,000 days old!

33,614 Days

4,802 Weeks

1,104 Months

... in seconds, minutes and hours


Born on April 17th, 1932: When to retire?

Birth 20 67 80
Childhood & Education 20 Years Work 47 Years Retirement 13 Years

Please adjust life expectancy

The current age is higher than the life expectancy assumed, please adjust the life expectancy on the right.

Assumptions & Individualization

In order to generate the diagram there were assumptions made based on statistical averages. Please individualize the data (the information) according to your personal situation.

Age at start of work
Retirement age
Life expectancy

What happened on April 17th?

... of famous people, actors, celebrities and stars on April 17th

Born on April 17th, 1932

Same Day
Who's birthday is on April 17th?

Same year
Born in 1932

Birthdays of famous people

Melanie Martinez: Age & BirthdayChris Adcock: Age & BirthdayLarry Elder: Age & BirthdayJon Cassar: Age & BirthdayElena Prus: Age & BirthdayRobin Tabeling: Age & BirthdaySam Fender: Age & BirthdayAnggun: Age & BirthdayLars Bender: Age & BirthdaySven Bender: Age & Birthday

Public holidays on April 17th

Fixed holidays (Christian feast day) which are celebrated on April 17th.

Kateri Tekakwitha (Canada)
Christian feast
Stephen Harding
Christian feast
April 17 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
Christian feast
Evacuation Day (Syria), celebrates the recognition of the independence of Syria from France in 1946.
Donnán of Eigg
Christian feastán_of_Eigg
Henry Heath
Christian feast

Date as a Roman numeral / digit




M = 1000CM = 900X = 10V = 5IV = 4I = 1

Born on April 17th, 1932
Future birthdays

Leap year

Yes: 1932 is a leap year, therefore has a 29th of February with an additional leap day and a total of 366 days (instead of the usual 365 days in a normal year).

April 1932

April 1932

w# Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
13 123
14 45678910
15 11121314151617
16 18192021222324
17 252627282930