January 14th, 1943 was a Thursday.
People born on January 14th, 1943 turned 81 this year (2024).
December 22nd, 1942 - January 20th, 1943
Why not celebrate an alternative birthday? In 151 days, exactly on March 4th, 2025, people who were born on January 14th, 1943 will be 30,000 days old!
Birth | 20 | 67 80 |
Childhood & Education 20 Years | Work 47 Years | Retirement 13 Years |
The current age is higher than the life expectancy assumed, please adjust the life expectancy on the right.
American filmmaker and writer (1933–2003)
*January 14th, 1933, Kansas City †March 9th, 2003, VictoriaAmerican actor and football player (1948–2024)
*January 14th, 1948, New Orleans †February 2nd, 2024, Los AngelesGerman painter (1868-1923)
*January 14th, 1868, Česká Kamenice †July 18th, 1923, DresdenGerman actor, screenwriter ans assistant director
*January 14th, 1922, Gdańsk †January 31st, 2006, BerlinEnglish actor (1934–2013)
*January 14th, 1934, Surrey †February 17th, 2013, LondonDutch road bicycle racer (1942–2022)
*January 14th, 1942, Voorburg †October 8th, 2022, DongenStatesman, pro-democracy activist, and former president of Poland
*September 29th, 1943, PopowoUnites States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate since 2021
*December 11th, 1943, AuroraEnglish musician and member of the Beatles (1943–2001)
*February 25th, 1943, Liverpool †November 29th, 2001, Los AngelesGerman politician (1943–2022)
*September 3rd, 1943, Sättelstädt †September 7th, 2022American Samoan politician (1943–2017)
*August 15th, 1943, American Samoa †February 22nd, 2017, ProvoDutch footballer (1943–2017)
*June 14th, 1943, Amsterdam †February 10th, 2017, AmsterdamAmerican singer and poet; lead vocalist of The Doors (1943–1971)
*December 8th, 1943, Melbourne †July 3rd, 1971, ParisEnglish musician, co-founder of Pink Floyd (born 1943)
*September 6th, 1943, Great BookhamScottish footballer and manager (1943-2017)
*October 16th, 1943, Motherwell †March 2nd, 2017Fixed holidays (Christian feast day, Old New Year, and its related observance, Sidereal winter solstice celebrations in South and Southeast Asian cultures; marking the transition of the Sun to Capricorn, and the first day of the six months Uttarayana period.) which are celebrated on January 14th.
M = 1000 | CM = 900 | XL = 40 | X = 10 | IV = 4 | I = 1 |
No: With 365 days 1943 is a normal year and no leap year.