Christopher Walken (81)
March 31st, 1943

Christopher Walken 2018
Christopher Walken 2018 Christopher Walken receiving the Rencontres 7e Art Lausanne 2018 honorary award during the closing ceremony. Foto: Pierre Vogel / CC BY-SA 4.0
Christopher Walken Feb 2008 (2)
Christopher Walken Feb 2008 (2) Christopher Walken in February 2008 Foto: John Harrison at → / CC BY-SA 3.0
Christopher Walken TIFF 2012
Christopher Walken TIFF 2012 Christopher Walken at the Toronto International Film Festival 2012. Foto: Tabercil / CC BY-SA 2.0

American actor – Christopher Walken was born in Astoria (Neighborhood in Queens, New York City, United States) on March 31st, 1943 and is 81 years old today.


How old is Christopher Walken?


Christopher Walken is 81 years old.

Biographical data

Birthday March 31st, 1943 (Wednesday)
Place of Birth Astoria
Neighborhood in Queens, New York City, United States
Birth sign (Zodiac) Aries (The Ram) ♈
Chinese Zodiac Goat 羊

Other personalities born on March 31

Also born in 1943

Christopher Walken


When was Christopher Walken born?

Christopher Walken was born on March 31st, 1943.

Place of Birth

Where was Christopher Walken born?

Astoria (Neighborhood in Queens, New York City, United States).


What is the zodiac sign of Christopher Walken?

Christopher Walken was born in the zodiac sign Aries (The Ram).

Chinese Zodiac

Which Chinese zodiac sign does Christopher Walken have?

Christopher Walken was born in 1943 in the year of the Chinese zodiac Goat.

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