The year 1984 began more than 40 years ago on Sunday, 01.01. 1984 and thus exactly 2,123 weeks or 14,866 days ago.

Leap year

1984 is a leap year, therefore has a 29th of February with an additional leap day and a total of 366 days (instead of the usual 365 days in a normal year).

Look up a concrete date

How old are you, if you were born in 1984? (Year 1984)

People who were born in the year 1984, will celebrate or have already celebrated their 40 birthday this year (2024).


Born 1984: Retirement Age Calculator

Birth 20 67 80
Childhood & Education 20 Years Work 47 Years Retirement 13 Years

27 more years of work

You have already worked for 20 years so far and have still 27 years of hard work to come until you can retire in 2051 at the age of 67.

Assumptions & Individualization

In order to generate the diagram there were assumptions made based on statistical averages. Please individualize the data (the information) according to your personal situation.

Age at start of work
Retirement age
Life expectancy

1984 in Roman numerals / digits



M = 1000CM = 900L = 50X = 10IV = 4


... of famous people, actors, celebrities and stars born in 1984

Birthdays of famous people

Lloyd Russell-Moyle: Age & BirthdayJustine Frischmann: Age & BirthdayMel Tormé: Age & BirthdayThomas Müller: Age & BirthdaySargis Martirosjan: Age & BirthdayJeff Lowe: Age & BirthdayAnniken Hauglie: Age & BirthdayAgatha Christie: Age & BirthdayAnna Netrebko: Age & BirthdayPeter Vack: Age & Birthday

Calendar for 1984

New Year


01. January 1984



24. December 1984

New Year's Eve


31. December 1984

Monthly calendars for the year 1984 (incl. calendar week)

w# Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
52 1
53 2345678
54 9101112131415
55 16171819202122
56 23242526272829
57 3031
w# Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
9 1234
10 567891011
11 12131415161718
12 19202122232425
13 262728293031
w# Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
13 1
14 2345678
15 9101112131415
16 16171819202122
17 23242526272829
18 30
w# Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
18 123456
19 78910111213
20 14151617181920
21 21222324252627
22 28293031
w# Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
22 123
23 45678910
24 11121314151617
25 18192021222324
26 252627282930
w# Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
26 1
27 2345678
28 9101112131415
29 16171819202122
30 23242526272829
31 3031
w# Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
31 12345
32 6789101112
33 13141516171819
34 20212223242526
35 2728293031
w# Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
35 12
36 3456789
37 10111213141516
38 17181920212223
39 24252627282930
w# Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
40 1234567
41 891011121314
42 15161718192021
43 22232425262728
44 293031
w# Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
44 1234
45 567891011
46 12131415161718
47 19202122232425
48 2627282930
w# Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
48 12
49 3456789
50 10111213141516
51 17181920212223
52 24252627282930
53 31

Friday the 13th

  • 13. January 1984
  • 13. April 1984
  • 13. July 1984

Zodiac Signs and Dates for 1984

Capricorn (The Sea-Goat)

January 1st, 1984 - January 20th, 1984

Aquarius (The Water-Bearer)

January 21st, 1984 - February 19th, 1984

Pisces (The Fish)

February 20th, 1984 - March 20th, 1984

Aries (The Ram)

March 21st, 1984 - April 20th, 1984

Taurus (The Bull)

April 21st, 1984 - May 21st, 1984

Gemini (The Twins)

May 22nd, 1984 - June 21st, 1984

Cancer (The Crab)

June 22nd, 1984 - July 22nd, 1984

Leo (The Lion)

July 23rd, 1984 - August 23rd, 1984

Virgo (The Maiden)

August 24th, 1984 - September 23rd, 1984

Libra (The Scales)

September 24th, 1984 - October 23rd, 1984

Scorpio (The Scorpion)

October 24th, 1984 - November 22nd, 1984

Sagittarius (The Centaur/Archer)

November 23rd, 1984 - December 21st, 1984

Capricorn (The Sea-Goat)

December 22nd, 1984 - December 31st, 1984

Age group 1984

Special birthdays