Brazilian singer-songwriter – Duda Beat was born in Recife (Municipality of Pernambuco State, Brazil) on October 8th, 1987 and is 36 years old today.
Duda Beat is 36 years old.
Birthday | October 8th, 1987 (Thursday) |
Place of Birth | Recife Municipality of Pernambuco State, Brazil |
Birth sign (Zodiac) | Libra (The Scales) ♎ |
Chinese Zodiac | Rabbit 兔 |
Duda Beat was born on October 8th, 1987.
Recife (Municipality of Pernambuco State, Brazil).
Duda Beat was born in the zodiac sign Libra (The Scales).
Duda Beat was born in 1987 in the year of the Chinese zodiac Rabbit.