François Asselineau (66)
September 14th, 1957

François ASSELINEAU Photo officielle de François Asselineau sur le site du parti UPR. Foto: Union Populaire Républicaine / CC BY-SA 4.0

French politician and official – François Asselineau was born in Paris (Capital city of France) on September 14th, 1957 and is 66 years old today.


How old is François Asselineau?


François Asselineau is 66 years old.

Biographical data

Birthday September 14th, 1957 (Saturday)
Place of Birth Paris
Capital city of France
Birth sign (Zodiac) Virgo (The Maiden) ♍
Chinese Zodiac Rooster 雞

Other personalities born on September 14

Also born in 1957

François Asselineau


When was François Asselineau born?

François Asselineau was born on September 14th, 1957.

Place of Birth

Where was François Asselineau born?

Paris (Capital city of France).


What is the zodiac sign of François Asselineau?

François Asselineau was born in the zodiac sign Virgo (The Maiden).

Chinese Zodiac

Which Chinese zodiac sign does François Asselineau have?

François Asselineau was born in 1957 in the year of the Chinese zodiac Rooster.

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