Frederick Sanger

Frederick Sanger2
Frederick Sanger2 Foto: / Public Domain

British biochemist – Frederick Sanger was born in Rendcomb (Village in Gloucestershire) on August 13th, 1918 and died in Cambridge (City in Cambridgeshire, England) on November 19th, 2013 at the age of 95. Today Frederick Sanger would be 106 years old.


how old was Frederick Sanger when he died?


Frederick Sanger died in 2013 at the age of 95.

Biographical data

Birthday August 13th, 1918 (Tuesday)
Place of Birth Rendcomb
Village in Gloucestershire
Death Date November 19th, 2013 (Tuesday)
Death place Cambridge
City in Cambridgeshire, England
Birth sign (Zodiac) Leo (The Lion) ♌
Chinese Zodiac Horse 馬

Other personalities born on August 13

Also born in 1918

Frederick Sanger


When was Frederick Sanger born?

Frederick Sanger was born on August 13th, 1918.


When did Frederick Sanger die?

Frederick Sanger died on November 19th, 2013 at the age of 95 in Cambridge (City in Cambridgeshire, England). Today Frederick Sanger would be 106 years old.

Place of Birth

Where was Frederick Sanger born?

Rendcomb (Village in Gloucestershire).

Death place

Where did Frederick Sanger die?

Cambridge (City in Cambridgeshire, England).


What is the zodiac sign of Frederick Sanger?

Frederick Sanger was born in the zodiac sign Leo (The Lion).

Chinese Zodiac

Which Chinese zodiac sign does Frederick Sanger have?

Frederick Sanger was born in 1918 in the year of the Chinese zodiac Horse.

Frederick Sanger: Future birthdays

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Died on November 19th, 2013:
Anniversaries of death

British biochemist

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