August 13th, 1926 was a Friday.
People born on August 13th, 1926 (assuming the person is still alive) would have turned 98 years old this year (2024).
July 23rd, 1926 - August 23rd, 1926
Why not celebrate an alternative birthday? In 152 days, exactly on March 6th, 2025, people who were born on August 13th, 1926 will be 36,000 days old!
Birth | 20 | 67 80 |
Childhood & Education 20 Years | Work 47 Years | Retirement 13 Years |
The current age is higher than the life expectancy assumed, please adjust the life expectancy on the right.
British historian of graeco-roman history, numismatist and university teacher (1923-2015)
*August 13th, 1923, Finchley †August 23rd, 2015, TruroEnglish filmmaker (1899–1980)
*August 13th, 1899, Leytonstone †April 29th, 1980, Bel AirAmerican Emmy Award-winning stage and television actor (1929–2016)
*August 13th, 1929, Manhattan †January 6th, 2016, Los AngelesIndian-American actress, food and travel writer, and television personality
*August 13th, 1933, Civil Lines, DelhiAmerican actress (1917-1993)
*August 13th, 1917, Baltimore †November 25th, 1993, Lillian Booth Actors HomeAmerican jazz trumpeter (1925–2005)
*August 13th, 1925, Cleveland †April 15th, 2005, AmsterdamGerman actor (1926–1991)
*October 18th, 1926, Sopot †November 23rd, 1991, Lagunitas-Forest KnollsQueen of the United Kingdom from 1952 to 2022
*April 21st, 1926, Mayfair †September 8th, 2022, Balmoral CastleAmerican actress and model (1926–1962)
*June 1st, 1926, Los Angeles †August 4th, 1962, BrentwoodFrench archaeologist
*March 4th, 1926, 16th arrondissement of Paris †September 8th, 2019, 16th arrondissement of ParisGerman local historian (1926-2015)
*March 30th, 1926, Oberröblingen †November 12th, 2015New Zealand badminton and tennis player and administrator
*September 30th, 1926, Palmerston †September 5th, 2022, Auckland City HospitalAmerican city planner (1926-2017)
*April 16th, 1926, Vienna †June 11th, 2017, VancouverItalian racing driver (1926-1973)
*August 8th, 1926, Vignale Monferrato †April 28th, 1973, BolognaBritish actor and comedian (1926–1988)
*February 22nd, 1926, Islington †April 15th, 1988, London Borough of CamdenGerman bishop and theologian
*September 3rd, 1926, Mühlhausen †May 16th, 2017, ConstanceFrench philosopher
*October 15th, 1926, Poitiers †June 25th, 1984, 13th arrondissement of ParisItalian actor, playwright, comedian, singer-songwriter, theater director, painter, and political activist (1926-2016)
*March 24th, 1926, Sangiano †October 13th, 2016, Luigi Sacco HospitalPolish actor (1926-2017)
*December 24th, 1926, Krasnystaw †April 22nd, 2017, WarsawFrench official and politician (1926–2020)
*February 2nd, 1926, Koblenz †December 2nd, 2020, AuthonAmerican jazz trumpeter, bandleader, and composer (1926–1991)
*May 26th, 1926, Alton †September 28th, 1991, Santa MonicaFixed holidays (Christian feast day, Christian Feast Day) which are celebrated on August 13th.
M = 1000 | CM = 900 | X = 10 | V = 5 | I = 1 |
No: With 365 days 1926 is a normal year and no leap year.