John Cage

John Cage (1988)
John Cage (1988) Opdracht GPD; componist John Cage , kop Foto: Bogaerts, Rob / Anefo / CC0
Componist John Cage , kop, Bestanddeelnr 934-3585
Componist John Cage , kop, Bestanddeelnr 934-3585 Collectie / Archief : Fotocollectie AnefoReportage / Serie : [ onbekend ] Beschrijving : Componist John Cage , kop Datum : 16 november 1988 Trefwoorde... Foto: Rob Croes / Anefo / CC0

American avant-garde composer (1912-1992) – John Cage was born in Los Angeles (Largest city in California, United States of America) on September 5th, 1912 and died in New York City (Most populous city in the United States) on August 12th, 1992 at the age of 79. Today John Cage would be 112 years old.


how old was John Cage when he died?


John Cage died in 1992 at the age of 79.

Biographical data

Birthday September 5th, 1912 (Thursday)
Place of Birth Los Angeles
Largest city in California, United States of America
Death Date August 12th, 1992 (Wednesday)
Death place New York City
Most populous city in the United States
Birth sign (Zodiac) Virgo (The Maiden) ♍
Chinese Zodiac Rat 鼠

Other personalities born on September 5

Also born in 1912

John Cage


When was John Cage born?

John Cage was born on September 5th, 1912.


When did John Cage die?

John Cage died on August 12th, 1992 at the age of 79 in New York City (Most populous city in the United States). Today John Cage would be 112 years old.

Place of Birth

Where was John Cage born?

Los Angeles (Largest city in California, United States of America).

Death place

Where did John Cage die?

New York City (Most populous city in the United States).


What is the zodiac sign of John Cage?

John Cage was born in the zodiac sign Virgo (The Maiden).

Chinese Zodiac

Which Chinese zodiac sign does John Cage have?

John Cage was born in 1912 in the year of the Chinese zodiac Rat.

John Cage: Future birthdays

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Died on August 12th, 1992:
Anniversaries of death

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American avant-garde composer (1912-1992)