Marvin Gaye

Marvin Gaye (1973 publicity photo)
Marvin Gaye (1973 publicity photo) Publicity photo of Marvin Gaye in 1973, during recording sessions for the album Let's Get It On at the "Hitsville West" Studio in Los Angeles. Gaye's ... Foto: Photograph by Jim Britt, whose other (copyrighted) photos of Gaye from the same session—many of them in full color—can be seen at his website. Originally distributed by Motown Records. / Public Domain
Marvin Gaye 1966 (cropped)
Marvin Gaye 1966 (cropped) Photo of Marvin Gaye. Foto: photo by-J. Edward Bailey / Public Domain

American singer (1939–1984) – Marvin Gaye was born in Washington, D.C. (Capital city of the United States of America) on April 2nd, 1939 and died in Los Angeles (Largest city in California, United States of America) on April 1st, 1984 at the age of 44. Today Marvin Gaye would be 85 years old.


how old was Marvin Gaye when he died?


Marvin Gaye died in 1984 at the age of 44.

Biographical data

Birthday April 2nd, 1939 (Sunday)
Place of Birth Washington, D.C.
Capital city of the United States of America
Death Date April 1st, 1984 (Sunday)
Death place Los Angeles
Largest city in California, United States of America
Birth sign (Zodiac) Aries (The Ram) ♈
Chinese Zodiac Rabbit 兔

Other personalities born on April 2

Also born in 1939

Marvin Gaye


When was Marvin Gaye born?

Marvin Gaye was born on April 2nd, 1939.


When did Marvin Gaye die?

Marvin Gaye died on April 1st, 1984 at the age of 44 in Los Angeles (Largest city in California, United States of America). Today Marvin Gaye would be 85 years old.

Place of Birth

Where was Marvin Gaye born?

Washington, D.C. (Capital city of the United States of America).

Death place

Where did Marvin Gaye die?

Los Angeles (Largest city in California, United States of America).


What is the zodiac sign of Marvin Gaye?

Marvin Gaye was born in the zodiac sign Aries (The Ram).

Chinese Zodiac

Which Chinese zodiac sign does Marvin Gaye have?

Marvin Gaye was born in 1939 in the year of the Chinese zodiac Rabbit.

Marvin Gaye: Future birthdays

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Died on April 1st, 1984:
Anniversaries of death

American singer (1939–1984)

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