Ricky Subagja (53)
January 27th, 1971

Badminton player – Ricky Subagja was born in Bandung (City and capital of West Java Province, Indonesia) on January 27th, 1971 and is 53 years old today.


How old is Ricky Subagja?


Ricky Subagja is 53 years old.

Biographical data

Birthday January 27th, 1971 (Wednesday)
Place of Birth Bandung
City and capital of West Java Province, Indonesia
Birth sign (Zodiac) Aquarius (The Water-Bearer) ♒
Chinese Zodiac Pig 豬

Other personalities born on January 27

Also born in 1971

Ricky Subagja


When was Ricky Subagja born?

Ricky Subagja was born on January 27th, 1971.

Place of Birth

Where was Ricky Subagja born?

Bandung (City and capital of West Java Province, Indonesia).


What is the zodiac sign of Ricky Subagja?

Ricky Subagja was born in the zodiac sign Aquarius (The Water-Bearer).

Chinese Zodiac

Which Chinese zodiac sign does Ricky Subagja have?

Ricky Subagja was born in 1971 in the year of the Chinese zodiac Pig.

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