Born in Narva


City in Estonia

Narva as a birthplace has produced a number of famous personalities of various fields (e.g. Estonian singer-songwriter, Russian-Estonian footballer and manager, Estonian and Soviet chess player): Alika Milova, Valeri Karpin, Paul Keres and some more.

Celebrities from Narva
Where is Narva located? Narva: Current Local Time

Celebrities from Narva

Birthdays of famous people

Lloyd Russell-Moyle: Age & BirthdayJustine Frischmann: Age & BirthdayMel Tormé: Age & BirthdayThomas Müller: Age & BirthdaySargis Martirosjan: Age & BirthdayJeff Lowe: Age & BirthdayAnniken Hauglie: Age & BirthdayAgatha Christie: Age & BirthdayAnna Netrebko: Age & BirthdayPeter Vack: Age & Birthday