March 20th, 1944 was a Monday.
People born on March 20th, 1944 turned 80 this year (2024).
February 20th, 1944 - March 20th, 1944
Why not celebrate an alternative birthday? In 599 days, exactly on May 9th, 2026, people who were born on March 20th, 1944 will be 30,000 days old!
Birth | 20 | 67 80 |
Childhood & Education 20 Years | Work 47 Years | Retirement 13 Years |
According to the assumptions made it looks like you can already enjoy your well-deserved retirement!
American photographer
*March 20th, 1940, Philadelphia †May 25th, 2015, New York CitySwedish fencer (1911-1971)
*March 20th, 1911, Helsinki †November 16th, 1971, StockholmCuban ballet master (1942-2011)
*March 20th, 1942, Bucharest †August 17th, 2011, HavanaAmerican actor (1922–2020)
*March 20th, 1922, The Bronx †June 29th, 2020, Beverly HillsAmerican singer-songwriter (1976–2017)
*March 20th, 1976, Phoenix †July 20th, 2017, Palos Verdes EstatesAmerican actor (1950–2022)
*March 20th, 1950, Washington, D.C. †March 13th, 2022, PortlandAmerican swimmer, Olympic gold medalist, former world record holder
*March 20th, 1956, BurbankAmerican television personality
*March 20th, 1928, Latrobe †February 27th, 2003, PittsburghAmerican film director (1944–2017)
*February 22nd, 1944, Baldwin †April 26th, 2017, ManhattanGerman actor and singer
*August 18th, 1944, Zelenogradsk †November 22nd, 2021, HamburgAmerican chemist (1944-2017)
*October 15th, 1944, New York City †April 18th, 2017, BerkeleyCzech actress, theatre director, manager and puppeteer
*November 18th, 1944, Prague †March 22nd, 2017, PragueFixed holidays (Christian feast day, International Francophonie Day) which are celebrated on March 20th.
M = 1000 | CM = 900 | XL = 40 | X = 10 | IV = 4 | I = 1 |
Yes: 1944 is a leap year, therefore has a 29th of February with an additional leap day and a total of 366 days (instead of the usual 365 days in a normal year).