Corbin Bleu (35)
February 21st, 1989

Corbin Bleu (Headshot)
Corbin Bleu (Headshot) Corbin Bleu After Theater Godspell, In New York, April 2012.. Foto: Damon Jamal Gillespie / CC BY-SA 3.0
Corbin Bleu 2011
Corbin Bleu 2011 Corbin Bleu at the Summer with the Stars, Red Carpet in 2011. Foto: Palace Resorts Uploaded by MyCanon / CC BY-SA 2.0
Corbin Bleu (Cropped)
Corbin Bleu (Cropped) Corbin Bleu at the Summer with the Stars, Red Carpet in June 2011. Foto: Palace Resorts / CC BY-SA 2.0

American actor, model, dancer, film producer and singer-songwriter – Corbin Bleu was born in Brooklyn (Borough of New York City, New York, United States) on February 21st, 1989 and is 35 years old today.


How old is Corbin Bleu?


Corbin Bleu is 35 years old.

Biographical data

Birthday February 21st, 1989 (Tuesday)
Place of Birth Brooklyn
Borough of New York City, New York, United States
Birth sign (Zodiac) Pisces (The Fish) ♓
Chinese Zodiac Snake 蛇

Other personalities born on February 21

Also born in 1989

Corbin Bleu


When was Corbin Bleu born?

Corbin Bleu was born on February 21st, 1989.

Place of Birth

Where was Corbin Bleu born?

Brooklyn (Borough of New York City, New York, United States).


What is the zodiac sign of Corbin Bleu?

Corbin Bleu was born in the zodiac sign Pisces (The Fish).

Chinese Zodiac

Which Chinese zodiac sign does Corbin Bleu have?

Corbin Bleu was born in 1989 in the year of the Chinese zodiac Snake.

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American actor, model, dancer, film producer and singer-songwriter