Jess Glynne (34)
October 20th, 1989

Jess Glynne (17579099972)
Jess Glynne (17579099972) Jess on the Stubs stage during SxSW. Stubs was tough as it is an outdoor venue and there was misty rain all night. Foto: Cal Holman from Columbus, GA, USA / CC BY 2.0

British singer – Jess Glynne was born in London (Capital and largest city of England and the United Kingdom) on October 20th, 1989 and is 34 years old today.


How old is Jess Glynne?


Jess Glynne is 34 years old.

Biographical data

Birthday October 20th, 1989 (Friday)
Place of Birth London
Capital and largest city of England and the United Kingdom
Birth sign (Zodiac) Libra (The Scales) ♎
Chinese Zodiac Snake 蛇

Other personalities born on October 20

Also born in 1989

Jess Glynne


When was Jess Glynne born?

Jess Glynne was born on October 20th, 1989.

Place of Birth

Where was Jess Glynne born?

London (Capital and largest city of England and the United Kingdom).


What is the zodiac sign of Jess Glynne?

Jess Glynne was born in the zodiac sign Libra (The Scales).

Chinese Zodiac

Which Chinese zodiac sign does Jess Glynne have?

Jess Glynne was born in 1989 in the year of the Chinese zodiac Snake.

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