Mary Elizabeth Winstead (39)
November 28th, 1984

Mary Elizabeth Winstead 2, 2010
Mary Elizabeth Winstead 2, 2010 Mary Elizabeth Winstead at the Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Austin Alamo Drafthouse (South Lamar) 2010. Foto: Chris Jackson / CC BY 2.0
Mary Elizabeth Winstead (35128536332)
Mary Elizabeth Winstead (35128536332) Star of 10 Cloverfield Lane, Deathproof, Fargo, and Diehard 4. NYC June '17. Foto: / CC BY-SA 2.0
Mary Elizabeth Winstead at Comic-Con 2010 (cropped)
Mary Elizabeth Winstead at Comic-Con 2010 (cropped) Actress Mary Elizabeth Winstead on the Scott Pilgrim vs. the World panel at the 2010 San Diego Comic Con in San Diego, California. Please attribute t... Foto: Gage Skidmore from United States of America / CC BY-SA 2.0

American actress (born 1984) – Mary Elizabeth Winstead was born in Rocky Mount (City in Edgecombe and Nash counties in the coastal plain region North Carolina, United States) on November 28th, 1984 and is 39 years old today.


How old is Mary Elizabeth Winstead?


Mary Elizabeth Winstead is 39 years old.

Biographical data

Birthday November 28th, 1984 (Wednesday)
Place of Birth Rocky Mount
City in Edgecombe and Nash counties in the coastal plain region North Carolina, United States
Birth sign (Zodiac) Sagittarius (The Centaur/Archer) ♐
Chinese Zodiac Rat 鼠

Other personalities born on November 28

Also born in 1984

Mary Elizabeth Winstead


When was Mary Elizabeth Winstead born?

Mary Elizabeth Winstead was born on November 28th, 1984.

Place of Birth

Where was Mary Elizabeth Winstead born?

Rocky Mount (City in Edgecombe and Nash counties in the coastal plain region North Carolina, United States).


What is the zodiac sign of Mary Elizabeth Winstead?

Mary Elizabeth Winstead was born in the zodiac sign Sagittarius (The Centaur/Archer).

Chinese Zodiac

Which Chinese zodiac sign does Mary Elizabeth Winstead have?

Mary Elizabeth Winstead was born in 1984 in the year of the Chinese zodiac Rat.

Mary Elizabeth Winstead: Future birthdays

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American actress (born 1984)

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