Mila Kunis (41)
August 14th, 1983

Mila Kunis 2018
Mila Kunis 2018 Mila Kunis in an interview for ColliderVideo in 2018 Foto: ColliderVideo / CC BY 3.0
Mila Kunis 2018 (cropped)
Mila Kunis 2018 (cropped) The stars of action comedy The Spy Who Dumped Me, Mila Kunis and Kate McKinnon, reveal the moments they couldn’t help LOLing at on set, what they love... Foto: MTV International / CC BY 3.0
Mila Kunis 2018 (cropped 2)
Mila Kunis 2018 (cropped 2) Mila Kunis and Kate McKinnon in an interview for ColliderVideo in 2018 Foto: ColliderVideo / CC BY 3.0
Mila Kunis (7601680152) (cropped)
Mila Kunis (7601680152) (cropped) Mila Kunis speaking at the 2012 San Diego Comic-Con International in San Diego, California. Foto: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America / CC BY-SA 2.0

Ukrainian-American actress – Mila Kunis was born in Chernivtsi (Capital city of of Chernivtsi Oblast in western Ukraine and historical center of the Bukovina) on August 14th, 1983 and is 41 years old today.


How old is Mila Kunis?


Mila Kunis is 41 years old.

Biographical data

Birthday August 14th, 1983 (Sunday)
Place of Birth Chernivtsi
Capital city of of Chernivtsi Oblast in western Ukraine and historical center of the Bukovina
Birth sign (Zodiac) Leo (The Lion) ♌
Chinese Zodiac Pig 豬

Other personalities born on August 14

Also born in 1983

Mila Kunis


When was Mila Kunis born?

Mila Kunis was born on August 14th, 1983.

Place of Birth

Where was Mila Kunis born?

Chernivtsi (Capital city of of Chernivtsi Oblast in western Ukraine and historical center of the Bukovina).


What is the zodiac sign of Mila Kunis?

Mila Kunis was born in the zodiac sign Leo (The Lion).

Chinese Zodiac

Which Chinese zodiac sign does Mila Kunis have?

Mila Kunis was born in 1983 in the year of the Chinese zodiac Pig.

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