Ron-Robert Zieler (35)
February 12th, 1989

Ron-Robert Zieler
Ron-Robert Zieler Ron-Robert Zieler im Trainingslager in Grassau. Aufgenommen von Foto: Jeollo von / CC BY-SA 3.0
FIFA WC-qualification 2014 - Austria vs. Germany 2012-09-11 - Ron-Robert Zieler 01
FIFA WC-qualification 2014 - Austria vs. Germany 2012-09-11 - Ron-Robert Zieler 01 The making of this work was supported by Wikimedia Austria. For other files made with the support of Wikimedia Austria, please see the category Suppor... Foto: Michael Kranewitter / CC BY 3.0 at
Ron-Robert Zieler 2011 Germany
Ron-Robert Zieler 2011 Germany German player Ron-Robert Zieler during match against Ukraine Foto: Илья Хохлов/Ilya Khokhlov/Ilja Chochłow / CC BY-SA 3.0

German association football player – Ron-Robert Zieler was born in Cologne (Most populous city in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany) on February 12th, 1989 and is 35 years old today.


How old is Ron-Robert Zieler?


Ron-Robert Zieler is 35 years old.

Biographical data

Birthday February 12th, 1989 (Sunday)
Place of Birth Cologne
Most populous city in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Birth sign (Zodiac) Aquarius (The Water-Bearer) ♒
Chinese Zodiac Snake 蛇

Other personalities born on February 12

Also born in 1989

Ron-Robert Zieler


When was Ron-Robert Zieler born?

Ron-Robert Zieler was born on February 12th, 1989.

Place of Birth

Where was Ron-Robert Zieler born?

Cologne (Most populous city in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany).


What is the zodiac sign of Ron-Robert Zieler?

Ron-Robert Zieler was born in the zodiac sign Aquarius (The Water-Bearer).

Chinese Zodiac

Which Chinese zodiac sign does Ron-Robert Zieler have?

Ron-Robert Zieler was born in 1989 in the year of the Chinese zodiac Snake.

Ron-Robert Zieler: Future birthdays

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